Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Vegetarian Sushi Filling

The video card on our desktop is down, so no pictures today. But it got me thinking about what I could write about that I don't have pictures for. Sushi is a summer staple in our house. I used to make fancy sauces for it as well, but now with little man's soy allergies less so. There are many reasons for eating vegetarian sushi, pregnancy, allergies, avoiding unsustainable fishes. Whatever your reasons you need not be limited (although it's still tasty) to cucumber and carrot matchsticks.
Here are a few of my favorite sushi fillings, mix and match them as you like.

Spicy Thai cashews from Trader Joes
Green onion
Tempura fried tofu
Tempura fried jalapeno peppers
Hot peppers of any sort
Tempura fried veggies
Cucumbers that have been marinated in rice vinegar
Spicy cucumber salad (diced cucumbers mixed with a dressing of yogurt, cayenne, rice vinegar and a smidgen of sugar....I will post a recipe for this later, you can also add diced jalapeno to this)
Cream cheese
Cream cheese mixed with wasabi
Cream cheese mixed with Thai sweet chili sauce
Lemon pepper tofu
Lemon pepper asparagus
Marinated tofu (in a mixture of teryaki sauce garlic and cayenne)
Spicy nuts (either cashews or macadamia) Nuts that have been chopped and mixed with salt and chili oil....yum!
Veggies! Of course of any sort, matchstick, marinated, grilled, fried, whatever you like...then mix them with any of the other above ingredients.

Some of my favorite combinations....

Fried tofu, jalapeno, cream cheese
wasabi cream cheese, green onion, avocado
cream cheese, green onion
avocado, jalapeno
Marinated tofu, grilled bell peppers


  1. I've never made sushi! I would like the veggie version rather than the fish version though! :-)

  2. my favorite treat ever is veggie tempura rolls...yum!!

  3. Spicy nuts -- what a good idea! I never thought of using nuts to fill my sushi.

  4. Jenifer, spicy nut rolls are one of my favorites.

    Debbi, come on over some time. :)

    Sarah, I so agree.


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