Sunday, October 16, 2011

Peanut Butter Oatmeal Pretzel Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Mmmmhhhmmmm.....That's what I said.

Up until a couple of weeks ago I was eating pretzels outside of my cookies like an idiot. What was I thinking? Now I'm eating pretzels in my cookies and it has literaly been life changing. They add just the right amount of crunch, salt, and solve the ever difficult problem of trying to decide between a sweet or a salty snack.

Now......I have to make a confession, the title is a lie. I made these with sun butter not peanut butter. I did use a peanut butter oatmeal cookie recipe for reference, but being a nut free household I substituted with sun butter. The chocolate chunks were from Enjoy Life, and I must say it was nice to have a chunk of chocolate that I didn't have to chop off of a candy bar. It made the process much easier.

All I did was take the peanut butter oatmeal cookie recipe from "Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar" and add one cup of chocolate chunks, and two cups of broken pretzel pieces. Please don't spend another day restricting your pretzel eating to a sometimes snack. Pretzels want to be loved, they want to be liberated, they want to be in cookies.....ok, perhaps that's a bit overboard.....but you really have no idea how seriously I take cookies. It's one of my things that I do a cookies, and take them seriously that is. And if you want to be a cookie serious taker person too (blarg with the English language and the writing bad and such) I highly suggest you check out this book. We all know how incredibly bad I can be at baking when left to my own devices, but Isa and Terry's books have given me confidence and the ability to troubleshoot when I'm baking. And people aren't scared anymore when I say, "I've made cookies!". I leave them wondering not what I left out of my baked goods, but what I've put into them.


  1. Oh these sound HEAVENLY! Thanks for the recipe! And, thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  2. I love those yogurt covered pretzels as well so I know these cookies will be right up my alley and I will look at that book.

  3. Gina,
    Thanks for stopping by! I love your blog, you always make me think.

    I do too! I love all pretzel desserts. I hope you like the book, it's full of great recipes.


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