Monday, August 9, 2010

Mommy Tip Monday

I am starting this feature for somewhat selfish reasons...

1.) I don't want to start a completely new blog.

2.) I still want to have a place where I can write down all these things as I do them, for reference. So that when a friend of mine says, "what did you do with your kids at such and such age", I don't have to stand there gaping like a slack jawed yokel.....which is what I do when I get put on the spot, that and develop a nervous rash...but that is neither here nor there.

Back to the topic at hand....

I hope to keep this up, but I don't want to alienate those of you who are looking for a food blog...not a mom blog. I'm going to try to keep these sorts of things with a telling title, and you are more than welcome to skip them over completely if they are of no interest to you. I will continue to blog my recipes too. Don't worry.

Today's Mom Tip....

What educational bath toy do you already have hiding in your house? It's a great tool for teaching more, less, empty, full, and even fractions. Plus they are easy to sanitize! Any guesses?
Maybe you've already used this one.....

Measuring cups! I am not suggesting you put your toddler in the tub with a lesson plan, but let them discover things like filling, and of course dumping out measuring cups. My daughter had speech delays and this was how I taught her empty and full. She needed one word cues that were clear. We would also talked about which cup holds more water.

Now that my daughter is four we talk about things like how the 2 on the 1/2 cup measuring cup means that it takes 2 of them to make a cup. She also now has the sight word "cup".

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